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Medical Teams on Hold

Medical Teams Abroad Update: Many of you may be wondering about our HTC outbound medical teams. We have been discussing this on many levels. Our teams are comprised of wonderful, talented, dedicated, doctors, surgeons, nurses, support staff, and other volunteers and we hold their health and safety in the highest regard. Two weeks ago, we directed our chapters to work with their medical team leaders to determine what was the best for each team, each volunteer and each chapter for the health and safety of all involved. All our Medical Teams Abroad have postponed or cancelled their spring 2020 trips in response to the risk of COVID-19. We are waiting to see if the current US "#flatteningthecurve" will work and end this virus sooner. We are looking at other ways to support children in need through in-country connections and here in the US. We are hopeful and making plans for fall 2020 outbound trips - so stay tuned. Be healthy and safe one and all. This is a time to be vigilant. All the best and thanks for your continued support of HTC! Most Sincerely, Ann Anderst, HTC President

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